The Tempest

The Tempest

Book by William Shakespeare
Directed by Peter Sham
Scenic Design by Apollo Mark Weaver
Lighting Design by Amelia Ludt
Costume Design by Tanah Hislop
Sound Design by Jordan McWhorter
Incidentals by Mitchell Brownell
Photography by Asher Swan

Southern Utah University Fall 2021 – Englestad Shakespeare Theatre

A Shakespearean production in an outdoor theatre. Designing in SUU’s Englestad theatre is always a delight. Working together with the director I brought the auditory vision of this show to life. From the opening thunder clap to the final bow this show was a rollercoaster of emotions.


The opening storm. Drums, a ship at sea, and a little bit of magic.


Opening with an Aztec Death Whistle, this sound instils fear into the audience and sets the tone for dinner.

Staff Break

The moment that Prospero breaks their staff and lose all of their magic.